Rethinking the Bible, Part 2 of 3

We’ll share a conversation together this week about Rethinking the Bible (Part 2 of 3).

As we rethink our understanding of the Bible, how do we ensure we avoid the mistake of taking the Bible out of its historical and cultural context?  In the Bible, oppression of women, slavery, murder, even genocide all seem condoned in certain circumstances, so how can we mine the nuggets of golden wisdom, while not being derailed by cultural, historical, scientific, or ethical difficulties with the text?  How can it help to stop myopically focusing on doctrine points long since out of context?  What does it do for you to see the Bible as collection of ancient literary artifacts, steeped in the customs, beliefs, and political challenges of the time, that together tell a divine story of a people’s understanding of God evolving over the centuries?  How can we read with skepticism and receptiveness both at once?  How does this greater story and the evolving understanding of God help us on our own spiritual journeys?

What role can community play in this?  What can quiet space, or meditation do to help?

Let’s share a spiritual conversation on this subject, and hear your stories of your walk with God this week.  What is stirring in your heart?

Join the spiritual conversation now on Facebook.  Join us for an upcoming conversation in person.

Listen below.

Streaming Audio

Click here see the full “Rethinking our Story” blog, with additional text and resources.

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