Rethinking the Bible, Part 1 of 3

We’ll share a conversation together this week about Rethinking the Bible.

What is the bible to you?  What place does it have in your heart and life?  Is it a fix it manual, encyclopedia, textbook, answer book, or is it really something else?  Can reducing the bible to be just one of these things be harmful to you?  What culturally imposed values have defined the bible in an unhelpful way for you?  Is it simply a tool to simply get doctrine “right” based on our own particular views?  What does this view then do to your spiritual journey?  Is the Bible merely an answer book to solve the problem of the afterlife?  What do we miss if we reduce it to be only that?  How do get the most out of this resource (the Bible) in a spiritually productive way?

What role can community play in this?  What can quiet space, or meditation do to help?

Let’s share a spiritual conversation on this subject, and hear your stories of your walk with God this week.  What is stirring in your heart?

Join the spiritual conversation now on Facebook.  Join us for an upcoming conversation in person.

Listen below.

Streaming Audio


Click here see the full “Rethinking our Story” blog, with additional text and resources.

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